Molecular Cytogenetics
Scientific Operations
Archive Page
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Nearly all our services rely on FISH, including physical mapping by metaphase-, interphase- and fibre-FISH; karyotyping of cancer and reprogrammed cell lines by Multiplex-FISH, studying the evolutionary chromosome rearrangement by cross-species chromosome painting etc.
Currently we can provide the following FISH services:
1. Physical assigment of BACs, fosmids, transgenes, cDNA clones onto metaphase chromosomes.
2. High-resolution mapping and gap sizing by fibre-FISH with single-molecule DNA fibres and extended chromomatin fibres.
3. Karyotyping by combined M-FISH and inverted DAPI-banding.
4. Validation of structural and copy number variations.
5. Multi-directional chromosome painting
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Previous core team members

Ms Beiyuan Fu
Senior Research Assistant

Sandra Louzada Gomes Pereira
Senior Research Assistant