Strategic Partnerships

The Sanger Institute has strategic alliances with three partners. These partnerships are with the EMBL- European Bioinformatics Institute, the University of Cambridge, and the Francis Crick Institute; these partnerships are driven by science and common interest.

By collaborating with other centres of excellence we aim to expand Sanger Institute science into new research areas for the Institute. These alliances give access to shared scientific resources, expertise and knowledge exchange, productivity and impact as well as long-term relationships and continuity.

For academic partnerships please contact Julia Wilson, Associate Director.

EMBL-EBI (European Molecular Biology Laboratory – European Bioinformatics Institute)

We have several joint ventures with EBI, for example, a joint post-doctoral fellowship programme, joint lecture series, joint working committees, joint data centre, joint scientific initiatives, monthly meetings of the Directors, and appointments of Associate, Affiliate and Honorary Faculty. Despite their separate governances, the Sanger Institute and the EBI increasingly function as a single scientific entity.

The Francis Crick Institute

We are developing several initiatives to encourage scientific collaborations, shared platform usage and joint science.

University of Cambridge

With Cambridge there are numerous scientific collaborations, Joint/Associate/Honorary Faculty appointments, regular consultation on appointments, recruitment and strategic developments.