Manage operations within GSLP, a high-throughput sequencing lab. The data we generate contributes to genomic surveillance of infectious diseases.

About me

As a Team Lead within GSLP I line manage our team of research assistants and facilitate the operations of our sequencing pipeline. Our lab generates genomic data to monitor how diseases are adapting, supporting research efforts to combat infectious disease and inform the decision making of public health authorities worldwide.

We run a high-throughput, automation-assisted pipeline at its peak sequencing >64,000 samples a week, with 2.5M sequences uploaded to the CLIMB database – and counting.

Initially joining the team to support covid-19 surveillance during the pandemic, we’re now broadening our scope to take on other respiratory viruses and malaria.

Elsewhere on campus I’m helping roll out a Kaizen continuous improvement culture, represent Sanger on the bus service’s decision making body and support activities within the sport and social club.

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