Mr Mark P Wilson, BEng(Hons)
Principal Web Developer
As developing websites becomes more and more complex, I am always striving to make the process of developing as simple as possible. As a team we currently using NPM and Gulp.js to automate tasks, and SASS to produce CSS. We now have a good structured process for developing WordPress themes, that has been tried and tested over the previous couple of years. However, there is always something new to learn whilst developing which certainly keeps it interesting.
My timeline
Principal Web Developer
Developed a fully text searchable Scientific Paper Repository for the institute, (SPAR) which greatly reduced the workflow for the COSMIC cancer research curators.
Implemented the institutes Lucene and Solr based search applications, to enable users to search the Institutes array of Genome Databases, websites and projects, all in one place. Provided Web Services for administrators of individual projects to create individual Search functionality for their needs.
Started at Wellcome Sanger Institute as Senior Software Developer