Dr Francis Isidore Garcia Totanes

Technical Specialist

Previously, a multilocus amplicon sequencing approach was developed to identify malaria mosquito vector species through Illumina sequencing. We are now developing a pipeline that involves Oxford Nanopore Sequencing to make this approach more accessible to those working in the field where sequencing resources may be limited.  

I am currently working on optimising nanopore sequencing to aid in quickly and accurately identifying the species of mosquitoes obtained in the field.

Before working at Sanger, I was previously involved in epidemiological and operational research on vector-borne human parasitic diseases such as schistosomiasis, lymphatic filariasis, paragonimiasis, and intestinal flukes in different areas in the Philippines. More recently, I worked at the University of Cambridge understanding DNA replication in human and monkey malaria parasites through CRISPR-Cas9, ChIP-seq, and nanopore sequencing.