Dr Jawahar Swaminathan
Senior Scientific Manager (DECIPHER Project Manager)
This person is a member of Sanger Institute Alumni.
Prior to joining the WTSI, I worked at the European Bioinformatics Institute as the Head of Annotation for the Protein Data Bank in Europe (PDBe) where I led a team of annotation specialists taking care of structures deposited to the PDB. I was involved in outreach activities for the PDBe and have travelled extensively speaking at various scientific conferences and meetings and conducted teaching courses. As a researcher at the University of Bath, I have worked on a MRC funded programme grant on proteins involved in inflammatory processes and have determined the 3-dimensional structures of many proteins involved in allergy and asthma. I have also developed BioBar, a browser bioinformatics search add-on for Firefox.
I retain a keen interest in structural biology and protein structure modelling.
My timeline
Started at Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute as DECIPHER Project Manager
Head of Annotation and Deposition, Protein Databank in Europe, EBI, Cambridge
Joined European Bioinformatics Institute, Cambridge as Annotation Specialist, Protein Data Bank in Europe
PostDoctoral Research Officer, University of Bath, UK
Awarded PhD in Structural Biology, National Institute of Immunology, New Delhi, India
Awarded MSc in Biotechnology, IIT Roorkee, India
Awarded BSc in Life Sciences, University of Lucknow, India