Dr Michael Stubbington
Principal Staff Scientist
This person is a member of Sanger Institute Alumni.
I started my research career at the laboratory bench and first worked in the field of high-containment microbiology before moving to molecular immunology for my PhD. I realised during my PhD that I really enjoyed computational biology and bioinformatics and so moved to purely computational projects for a postdoctoral fellowship with Dr. Sarah Teichmann at EMBL-EBI and then as a Senior Staff Scientist when the Teichmann Group moved to WTSI. I am fascinated by the potential of single-cell analysis methods to reveal novel insights about cellular populations. I enjoy developing and implementing new methods in this area and I have been focusing on the analysis of immune cell populations and antigen-receptor repertoires. I am looking forward to applying single-cell techniques to across all human cell types as part of the Human Cell Atlas projects at Sanger. I hope that we will be able to develop new and effective protocols for large-scale surveys of individual cells and to make important contributions to this major international effort.
My timeline
Became Principal Staff Scientist leading the Human Cell Atlas team at WTSI
Became Senior Staff Scientist in the Teichmann Group at WTSI
Started postdoctoral fellowship in the Teichmann Group at EMBL-EBI
Started PhD in the Corcoran Lab at the Babraham Institute, Cambridge, UK
Started work as a research scientist at the Health Protection Agency, Porton Down, UK.
Completed MSci in Natural Sciences at University of Cambridge.