PhD in Evolutionary Genetics and Molecular Biology
Computer Biologist working in Tree of Life Project genomes curation and focused on delivering high quality chromosome assemblies aiming to contribute to unravel eukaryotic diversity and provide a broader understanding about their biology. Camilla’s main interests are in evolution of genome regions, mostly those potentially involved in stress responses and adaptation at expression level.
My timeline
Senior Computer Biologist Sanger Institute (2023 to present)
Postdoc Fellow, Molecular Genetics (plants) - Sao Paulo, Instituto de Pesquisas Ambientais, Brazil (2021-2022)
Postdoc Fellow, Evolutionary Biology and Molecular Genetics (marine invertebrates) - Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brazil (2019-2021)
PhD in Evolutionary Genetics and Molecular Biology - Universidade Federal de Sao Carlos, Brazil