Mr Stephen Robinson, BSc (Hons) MSc PGDip MSc

Senior Web Developer

I have been on campus for over 24 years, working on the EBI/Uniprot websites, the retired Helix campus intranet, FredApps, Wellcome Sanger Institute website, Connecting Science/Public Engagement websites and many others.

With an original background of zoology, human anatomy, electro-physiology and animal behaviour, I specialised in working with light, confocal and electron microscopes, photography and image analysis. After specialising in immuno-cryotechniques in biological electron microscopy, I then went on to gain a professional qualification in biological imaging and analysis techniques and specialised in providing an ensembl of light/confocal/electron microscopy services to molecular biologists, and to clinicians dissatisfied with MD’s clinicians analysis (plus specimin prep) of their patients disorders. I then completed a masters in computing and after working in a London media agency took up a 9 year position as a LAMP/Drupal Web Developer in the European Bioinformatics Institute. I started a new position in the Wellcome Sanger Institute as a Senior Drupal Web Developer looking after the helix intranet, the Drupal Sanger website. I now work as a WordPress and React JS developer, building FRED React JS applications, and WordPress development on websites such as:,,,,,, https://www.ga4gh.org,, and

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