My role in the Research Governance team is very varied and allows me to interact with many scientists and teams at Sanger.
I assist managing, updating and using our in-house tracking and due diligence systems, which ensures appropriate and accurate ethical information is recorded.
My work includes looking at ethical documentation (including consent forms, participant information sheets and study protocols) from collaborators all over the world. For Sanger sponsored studies, I work closely with the scientists writing and submitting IRAS forms and amendments for NHS Research Ethics Committee (REC) and Health Research Authority (HRA) approval, as well as preparing and sending Local Information Packs to NHS sites for prospective recruitment.
I enjoy the teaching element of my job, which allows me to engage with the scientists about the Human Tissue Act, as well as requirements to using human material in genomic research at Sanger.
My timeline
Research Governance Assistant at the Wellcome Sanger Institute
Research Assistant at Cambridge Blood and Stem Cell Biobank, University of Cambridge
Research Assistant at Azeria Therapeutics
Research Assistant at CRUK Cambridge Institute, University of Cambridge
Research Assistant at BioIVT (formerly Asterand Bioscience)