After graduation from Moscow State University in 2008 I entered just emerged field of RNA-Seq. Most of my work was focused on, but not limited to, analysis of alternative splicing during organ development. On this route I developed one of the first published methods for alternative splicing analysis based on RNA-Seq data (SAJR) and used it to investigate evolutionary changes in developmental regulation of alternative splicing in mammals.
In a parallel I worked on multiple other projects ranged from transcriptional regulation in insect or bacteria to analysis of lipidome composition of breast milk or agricultural oilseeds using data from liquid chromatography linked with mass-spectrometry or to industrial contracts on genomic evaluation of dairy cow.
My main scientific interest is emergence of complexity during evolution or development, but in daily work my main pleasure is to find biological sense in noisy data.
My timeline
Wellcome Sanger Institute, Cellular Genetics Informatics
High Economy School
Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, Moscow, Russia
Institute of Physico-Chemical Medicine RAS, Moscow, Russia
Institute for Information Transmission Problems RAS, Moscow, Russia
Visiting scientist, PICB-CAS, Shanghai, China
Graduated from Department of Bioengineering and Bioinformatics, Moscow State University