Trevor uses high-throughput genome sequencing to investigate the microbial communities contained on and within host organisms that are associated with health and disease. He uses clinical samples and mouse models to identify the pathogen and host factors that are linked to disease and infectivity.
Trevor obtained his PhD from the University of Alberta, Canada, where he studied the mechanisms that pathogenic bacteria use to disseminate antibiotic resistance genes. Dr Diane Taylor and Dr Laura Frost were his supervisors. His PhD thesis culminated in 2004 with him receiving the ‘Gold Award’ (Graduate Student of the Year) from the Canadian Society of Microbiologists.
After his PhD Trevor was awarded a Canadian Institutes of Health Research post-doctoral fellowship to work in the Laboratory of Professor Stanley Falkow and Dr Denise Monack at Stanford University, USA, where he studied the impact of antibiotic treatment on Salmonella disease and transmission. In 2007 Trevor received a Royal Society of London Award – sponsored by Professor Gordon Dougan – to start a research programme on Clostridium difficile disease and transmission within the Microbial Pathogenesis group at the Wellcome Sanger Institute.
In 2010, Trevor was appointed as a Career Development Fellow in the Sanger Institute Faculty and was promoted to Group Leader in 2014. He receives funding from the Medical Research Council.
My timeline
Peggy Lillis Innovator Award
Faculty Group Leader
Faculty Sanger Institute Career Development Fellow
Royal Society of London Post Doctoral Fellow (Sanger Institute)
Canadian Institutes of Health Post Doctoral Fellow (Stanford University)
Canadian Society for Microbiology PhD Student of the Year
PhD University of Alberta