Mr Sun-Gou Ji
Research Associate
This person is a member of Sanger Institute Alumni.
My research aims to better understand the genetic component of autoimmune diseases. During my PhD I’ve been involved in handling data with up to 10 million genetic variants from more than 100,000 individuals. A lot of my time was spent in painstakingly quality controlling (QC) and normalizing data generated from multiple platforms in multiple centres over different periods of time. The goal was, first to identify genetic variants that predispose individuals to each disease, second to link localized signals in the genome to genes and biological pathways affected by each disease, and third to compare patterns of genetic markers between related diseases. I set up and optimized two major pipelines during this time, which was a pipeline to detect copy number variants (CNVs), and a pipeline to conduct imputation. I identified novel regions of the genome that confer risk to each disease and each independent region went through many efforts to pinpoint causal variants, genes and then pathways through Bayesian finemapping procedures, and functional genomic annotations (chromatin openness, eQTL, prediction algorithms, etc.). I further performed meta-analyses and pleiotropic analyses to identify regions of the genome affecting more than one disease, through co-localization tests for overlaps to compare local associations between diseases, as well as genetic correlation estimation to compare genome-wide patterns. I also have previous experience in using networks to predict gene function in bacterial pathogens, and some molecular biology experiments. I am currently interested in understanding pleiotropy, and how these overlapping, yet different genetics lead to different diseases.
My timeline
Submitted PhD thesis (Genomic analysis of immune-mediated complex disorders)
Started PhD at the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute (University of Cambridge)
Received MSc from Yonsei University Department of Biotechnology
Received BEng from Yonsei University Department of Biotechnology
Finished obligate military service (S. Korea)