
This person is a member of Sanger Institute Alumni.

Peng He is interested in gene regulation inside individual cells and across the broader cell communities that govern developmental and physiological processes. His current work focuses on in-depth analyses of large-scale cell atlases, single-cell multiomics and spatial transcriptomics

Peng’s work sits at the interface between computational/data science/AI methods and biological discoveries. His independent research group mainly follows three directions:

  1. Construct ultra-high resolution cell atlases of healthy and altered tissues and organoids using advanced computational methods and in-depth -omic profiling methods in single-cells and in space.
  2. Develop computational workflows and algorithms to enable more robust and sensitive discoveries of novel cell populations, tissue niches, as well as cis- and trans-acting regulators in the gene regulatory network.
  3. Dissect gene regulatory networks in single-cells by perturbations of organoids.

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