Dr Jing Guo
Postdoctoral Fellow
My PhD work focused on understanding whether and how the genetic variation within and between populations contribute to phenotypic differences in human complex and complex traits, under the supervision of Prof. Jian Yang and Prof. Peter M. Visscher in the University of Queensland.
My current research is to integrated information on somatic driver mutations, genome-wide germline genetic variants associated with myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPN) and clonal haematopoiesis, and polygenic scores of haematological traits to study how inherited polygenic variation of blood cell traits influence clonal selection on mutant JAK2 and subsequent MPN disease phenotype.
My timeline
Started Postdoc in Nangalia Group, Cancer, Ageing and Somatic Mutation, Sanger Institute
Started Postdoc in Soranzo Group, Human Genetics, Sanger Institute
Started PhD in statistical genetics, the University of Queensland, Australia
Started MSc in Human Complex Trait Genetics, the University of Edinburgh, UK