Károly Erdős
Senior Software Developer
This person is a member of Sanger Institute Alumni.
I’m working in the Production Software Development (PSD) team providing solutions to both external and internal clients. I had the opportunity to extend my Java based skill set with Ruby and Perl programming and also use and improve my existing knowledge.
My previous tasks included the following:
- implementing a back-end application stack for building laboratory management systems with the use of RabbitMQ and Ruby technologies.
- customizing a 3rd party laboratory information management system to meet the needs of the Institute. The used scripting language was Perl with the Moose extension package.
- prototyping and implementing a web application for another project team with Java EE technologies.
I’m currently working on a service that will communicate with a customized version of Jira ticketing system to track samples and labware as they go through the workflows in the laboratory.