Dr Antonio Marinho da Silva Neto
Senior Bioinformatician
My Background
My primary focus lies in using mathematical and computational tools to devise innovative approaches for addressing challenges in biotechnology and biomedicine. Throughout my career, I have predominantly worked on projects associated with structural biology, encompassing both wet-lab experiments, such as protein crystallography and X-ray diffraction structure determination, and computational and theoretical protein structural analysis, where I have explored and developed novel mathematical representations of protein structures. The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in a surge in demand for bioinformaticians who could handle genomic data, which led me to shift my attention to genomic surveillance. Since then, I have been actively involved in creating and refining genomic data processing and analysis pipelines, which constitute a significant part of my current work.
My timeline
Senior Bioinformatician | Data Analysis and Engineering Team - Genomic Surveilance Unit - Wellcome Sanger Institute
Scientific Researcher | Genomic Surveilance Network - Bioinformatics Core Facility - FIOCRUZ
Scientific Software Developer | ProspecMol - LIKA - Universidade Federal de Pernambuco
Postdoc Research Assistant | Centre of New Technologies - Warsaw University
PhD. Applied Physics | Universidade de Sao Paulo
MSc. Applied Physics | Universidade de Sao Paulo
Bsc. Biomedical Science | Universidade Federal de Pernambuco