I am currently working in the Berriman group on parasitic worms, and in the Thomson group on the bacterium that causes cholera, Vibrio cholerae.
I am interested in understanding how the genomes of parasitic worms evolve; in identifying worm drug targets and predicting potential novel anthelmintic drugs; and in helping lab biologists to develop new tools to study the biology of parasitic worms.
I have also recently started work in Thomson group, on Vibrio cholerae, the bacterium that causes cholera. I am working on improving genomic resources and analyses available for Vibrio cholerae, in the Pathogen.Watch platform for genomic surveillance.
I am also interested in statistics and bioinformatics methodology, and I’ve written The Little Books of R (http://little-books-of-r.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) and write a blog on things I learn about bioinformatics, called avrilomics (http://avrilomics.blogspot.co.uk/).
My timeline
BSc Mathematics & Statistics, Open University, UK
Joined the Parasite Genomics (Matthew Berriman) group, Wellcome Sanger Institute
Lecturer in Bioinformatics, University College Cork, Ireland
Postdoctoral fellow, Richard Durbin group, Wellcome Sanger Institute
PhD, Ken Wolfe group, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
BA Genetics, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland