Anna received her undergraduate training in applied physics, mathematics, and life sciences. She undertook her BSc research project in the Genome Engineering Laboratory, generating an in vitro model of non small cell lung carcinoma using CRISPR/Cas9. During this time, she developed strong interest in synthetic biology and immunology.
Following her passion for studying interactions of human immune system with foreign antigens, she went on to pursue her PhD in Vento-Tormo Group, where she focused on creating a detailed cellular map of maternal-fetal interface in early pregnancy using spatial and multiomics technologies. Here she developed stOrder – a novel computational framework inferring cellular differentiation trajectories jointly from spatial transcriptomics and single-nucleus RNA-sequencing data.
After completing her PhD, she joined Lehner Group as a Postdoctoral Fellow, returning to the field of synthetic biology and biophysical modelling. She is continuing to perform high-throughput genomic data analysis and develop novel computational approaches. Currently the focus of her work is studying genetic interactions (epistasis) in the context of (i) amyloid fibrils formation and (ii) splicing.
My timeline
Joined Ben Lehner's group as Postdoctoral Fellow, Wellcome Sanger Institute, UK
PhD, Vento-Tormo Group, Wellcome Sanger Institute, UK
Awarded Wellcome Trust 4-Year PhD Studentship
BSc in Applied Physics and Mathematics, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Russia
Awarded UMNIK personal grant for innovative project development
Intern, Volchkov Lab, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Russia
Amgen Scholars Program, Yoshimura Lab, Kyoto University, Japan