Dr Shane A. McCarthy
Tree of Life Assembly Team Lead
Shane is the team lead for the Tree of Life Assembly team and a Senior Research Associate with the Durbin Group in the Department of Genetics at the University of Cambridge. Shane has a PhD in theoretical physics from the University of Western Australia. In 2009, he transitioned into bioinformatics and became heavily involved in large scale human genome sequencing projects like 1000 Genomes, UK10K and the Haplotype Reference Consortium. With the reduction in cost of long read sequencing, Shane started working on genome assembly projects, starting with the Vertebrate Genomes Project and Sanger 25 Genomes Project and leading to the formation of the Sanger Tree of Life Programme and launch of the Darwin Tree of Life Project.
My timeline
Tree of Life Assembly Team Lead, Sanger
Senior Research Associate, Dept of Genetics, University of Cambridge
Vertebrate Resequencing Team Lead, Sanger
Principal Bioinformatician, Vertebrate Resequencing, Sanger
UK10K Project Production Co-Chair
Senior Bioinformatician, Vertebrate Resequencing, Sanger
MPhil in Computational Biology, University of Cambridge
Research Associate, Institute for Research in Electronics and Applied Physics, University of Maryland
Research Associate, Center for String and Particle Theory, University of Maryland
PhD in Physics, University of Western Australia
BSc (Hons) in Physics and Pure Mathematics, University of Western Autralia