Dr Peng He
Visiting Scientist
This person is a member of Sanger Institute Alumni.
Peng is currently using single-cell RNA-seq and ATAC-seq approaches to understand the input and output of the functional genome. He is also inventing new computational methods to enhance data mining processes in genomics research.
My timeline
Started junior research fellowship at St. Edmund's College
Started joint employment at the European Bioinformatics Institute
Graduated from California Institute of Technology with Ph.D. in Genetics
Started Postdoctoral Fellowship at Wellcome Sanger Institute
Started a visiting study at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard
Started graduate school at California Institute of Technology
Graduated from the University of Hong Kong with First Honor BSc in Statistics and Biochemistry
Finished exchange study at the University of California, Los Angeles
Started a one-year exchange program at the University of California, Los Angeles
Started undergraduate study at the University of Hong Kong
Finished study at Zhejiang University
Started a one-year program at Zhejiang University