This person is a member of Sanger Institute Alumni.
Allan Bradley and his research team moved to the University of Cambridge in 2019. This page is being maintained as a historical record of his research at the Sanger Institute and is no longer being updated
Professor Bradley led a research group through his tenure as Institute Director and continues to do so as a Senior Group Leader. Allan’s laboratory environment emphasises intellectual rigour but with a flair for innovation and creativity. His laboratory’s research is strongly focused on using genetics to discover genes involved in various biological systems, using somatic mutagenesis in mice to discover cancer genes and genetic screens in ES cells in culture. He is considers himself to be an “educator”, inspiring and mentoring graduate students and fellows. His laboratory is an active and successful training environment for postdoctoral and clinical fellows. Professor Bradley places special emphasis in mentoring and preparing young scientists for independent academic positions both in the UK and globally. Laboratory alumni include 22 independent PIs in 6 countries of whom 10 are full professors, or equivalent.
Allan is also a serial entrepreneur, establishing several biotechnology companies. While in the USA he founded two companies; Lexicon Pharmaceuticals Inc. is publicly traded while Spectral Genomics Inc. was acquired. In 2010 he founded Kymab Ltd., which now employs more than 80 scientists. Many of Prof. Bradley’s trainees have joined these spin-outs.
My timeline
Publication of Complete humanization of immunoglobulin loci in mice
Chief Technical Officer Kymab Limited (part time)
ISTT Prize
Chief Scientific Officer Kymab Limited (part time)
Stepped down as Director of the Sanger Institute
Founded Kymab Limited
Elected EMBO Member
Peter Debye Prize
Elected Fellow of Academy of Medical Sciences
Elected Fellow of The Royal Society
Appointed Director of the Sanger Centre
Founded Spectral Genomics Inc
Appointed Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator
Appointed Full Professor, Baylor College of Medicine
Founded Lexicon Genetics
Publication of Chromosome Engineering
Appointed Associate Professor, Baylor College of Medicine
Publication of p53 and Rb knockouts
Appointed Assistant Investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Publication of first knockout generated via ES cells
Appointed Assistant Professor, Baylor College of Medicine
Beit Memorial Fellow
Publication of germ line transmission of ES cells
PhD Genetics, Cambridge UK
BA Genetics, Cambridge UK