Wellcome Sanger Institute

Parasites and Microbes Administration

Parasites and Microbes

The Parasites and Microbes Administration provides comprehensive support for the smooth running of the Parasites and Microbes Programme. This includes both operational and strategic support. We work collaboratively across the Institute with Administrators, HR, Finance and Scientific Administration to facilitate the cutting edge research carried out at the Wellcome Sanger Institute.

The activities of the team include anything from organising international travel itineraries, servicing multi-million pound collaborative grants and facilitating Faculty management meetings to organising hospitality and fielding day-to-day enquiries relating to specific projects, including sequencing.

Our people

Core team

Photo of Katherine Auger

Katherine Auger

Research Administrator

Photo of Wiesia Johnson

Wiesia Johnson

Research Manager 

Previous core team members

Photo of Jessica Bernard

Jessica Bernard

Team Administrator

Photo of Dee Toombs

Dee Toombs

Team Administrator