Genome Research Limited
Scientific Group


Mapping the Clinical Genome

Archive Page

This page is maintained as a historical record and is no longer being updated.

The DECIPHER database and team moved to EMBL’s European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI) in July 2023. The database can be accessed at:

DECIPHER (DatabasE of genomiC varIation and Phenotype in Humans using Ensembl Resources) is an interactive web-based database which incorporates a suite of tools designed to aid the interpretation of genomic variants.

DECIPHER is a web-based platform for secure deposition, analysis, and sharing of plausibly pathogenic genomic variants from well-phenotyped patients suffering from rare genetic disorders. DECIPHER aids clinical interpretation of these rare variants by providing tools for variant analysis and identification of other patients exhibiting similar genotype–phenotype characteristics. DECIPHER also provides mechanisms to encourage collaboration among a global community of clinical centers and researchers, as well as exchange of information between clinicians and researchers within a consortium, to accelerate discovery and diagnosis. DECIPHER has contributed to matchmaking efforts by enabling the global clinical genetics community to identify many previously undiagnosed syndromes and new disease genes, and has facilitated the publication of over 2,500 peer-reviewed scientific publications since 2004.

Core team

Photo of Dr Paul Bevan

Dr Paul Bevan

Head of Core Software Services