Prof Nicole Soranzo
Associate Faculty and Former Senior Group Leader at the Sanger Institute
Nicole was trained in quantitative population and statistical genetics at the University of Milano, University of Dundee and University College London, where she applied genetic analysis to evolutionary studies of natural populations and human traits. She spent two years in the pharmaceutical industry in the US, applying human genetics to improve drug discovery and pharmacogenomics. She returned to the UK at the Sanger Institute, where she started her group in 2009. In 2013 she became adjunct faculty at the University of Cambridge School of Clinical Medicine, and in 2015 was awarded a personal chair in Human Genetics.
Nicole is a member of the Cambridge University Platelet Biology and Cardiovascular groups, the NIHR Blood and Transplant Research Unit in Donor Health and Genomics and the EU BLUEPRINT and EpiGeneSys projects. She serves in several steering committees, on the scientific advisory board of the GECCO Consortium, and is on the editorial board for the European Journal of Human Genetics, Genome Medicine, Trends in Genetics, Cardiogenetics and Molecular Biology and Evolution.
My timeline
Fellow of the European Molecular Biology Organization
Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences
Senior Group Leader, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute
Professor of Human Genetics, University of Cambridge
Principal Research Associate, University of Cambridge
Awarded MRC Women in Science Heirloom
Group Leader, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute
CDF Group Leader, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute
Senior Staff Scientist, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute
Senior Scientist, Johnson and Johnson Pharmaceutical Research and Development (USA)
Post-doctoral fellow, University College London (UK)
PhD in Genetics, Dundee University (UK)
BSc in Biological Sciences, University of Milan (Italy)