In addition to questions that can be answered by the randomised trial, we have also created a bioresource of the 50,000 trial participants to address other epidemiological questions, particularly those relating to genetics.
In all participants, we have:
- collated basic lifestyle and self-reported health nformation using a web-based questionnaire;
- assayed a genome-wide genotyping array containing >800,000 genetic variants;imputed from this array backbone to >80 million variants;
- used a Sysmex haematology analyser to assay >50 blood cell parameters;assessed ~230 metabolites using a NMR platform covering lipoproteins, lipids and low molecular weight metabolites.
In subsets of participants, we have:
- conducted high-depth (50x) whole exome sequencing;conducted low-pass (15x) whole genome sequencing;measured thousands of soluble proteins using a novel aptamer-based assay approach;
- assayed >1000 metabolites using a mass-spectrometry platform;
- assayed >400 lipid species using a bespoke mass-spectrometry platform;
- measured candidate biomarkers of relevance to blood donation (eg, iron-related markers);
- assessed cognitive function using a validated four-domain online testing platform.
If you need help or have any queries, please contact us using the details below.
Sanger people

Professor John Danesh

Professor Matthew Hurles
Director the Wellcome Sanger Institute and Senior Group Leader