EVIMalaR is a joint research FP7 Network of Excellence, funded by the European Commission and currently involving 89 partners from 44 institutes in Europe, Africa, India and Australia (coordinated at the University of Glasgow, Scotland, UK).
About EVIMalaR
EVIMalaR seeks to integrate malaria research that is directed towards a better understanding of the basic knowledge of the parasite, its vector and of the biology of the interactions between the parasite and both its mammalian host and vectors.
This project started in 1st October 2009 and is currently funded until 30 September 2014.The research interest shall be focused on studies in the biology and pathology of the malaria parasite including immunobiology, pathophysiology, parasite molecular and cell biology, vector-parasite interactions and modelling and systems biology.
If you need help or have any queries, please contact us using the details below.
Sanger people
Previous Sanger people

Dr Matt Berriman
Former Senior Group Leader

Dr Oliver Billker
Former Senior Group Leader
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