MRC eMedLab
MRC eMedLab is a computational resource for collaborative medical informatics, using private cloud technology to enable the sharing and collaborative analysis of large datasets
Archive Page
This page is maintained as a historical record and is no longer being updated.
This project came to an end in 2018. This page is being maintained as a historical record of the work, but is no longer being updated.
The service provides 6000 cores of compute and 6PB of storage, based on the OpenStack and IBM GPFS platforms.
If you need help or have any queries, please contact us using the details below.
External partners and funders
Medical Research Council
The Medical Research Council funded the project through the 2013 Medical Bioinformatics call
University College London
Francis Crick Institute
The Francis Crick Institute has operational leadership of eMedLab, and provides 40% of the support staff.
Kings College London
Queen Mary University of London