Dr Samantha Wynne
Scientific Communications Manager, Human Cell Atlas
Current role:
I have worked with the Human Cell Atlas initiative since its launch in 2016, initially as part of my role in the Communications team at the Wellcome Sanger Institute. Now as HCA Scientific Communications Manager, I develop communications strategy and content for the HCA, and help showcase the amazing community and research of the HCA, working with teams around the world.
Previous experience:
Working in the Communications team as Media Officer, I used traditional and social media to deliver external communications, publicising the ground-breaking research and sharing the stories of the Wellcome Sanger Institute and Wellcome Genome Campus, and also supported internal communications and engagement projects.
Prior to this, I was based at the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, where scientific engagement had been a long-standing interest of mine. As Public Engagement Manager (Maternity Cover) I delivered the public engagement and external communication strategy for the LMB. This included managing media and press releases, drafting news articles and other content for the website, and social media. I led a small team managing events, organising schools activities and tours and helping scientists develop science festival exhibits.
I have a scientific background with many years of bioscience research. During my post-doctoral research at the LMB, I solved the 3-dimensional structures of various medically relevant proteins, including the hepatitis B virus core protein. I also had additional responsibility in scientific public engagement, running the Crystal Growing Competition for Schools, organising schools visits and designing science festival exhibits.
My scientific teaching experience includes undergraduate teaching (lectures and supervisions at the University of Cambridge) and tutoring sixth-form students at Villiers Park Educational Trust on their annual Biology and Genetics week.
My timeline
HCA Scientific Communications Manager, at the Sanger Institute
Joined the Communications team at the Sanger Institute
Public Engagement Manager at the LMB (Maternity Cover)
Post Doctoral LMB Research Support Staff with Additional Responsibility in Public Engagement
Teaching By-Fellow in Biochemistry, Churchill College, Cambridge (3 years)
Post-Doctoral Support Staff at the LMB
Joined the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology as Post-Doctoral Research Assistant