Simon Eastham

Advanced Research Assistant


This person is a member of Sanger Institute Alumni.

Simon is working as an advanced research assistant in the Trynka Group. He uses the latest technology in the lab to extract multi-omic data at the single-cell level to aid in the understanding of complex autoimmune pathologies.

Over the last few years I have worked in a range of laboratories across the life science sector. This included working in an NHS clinical immunology laboratory providing allogeneic stem cell transplants for patients with haematological disorders, to supporting academics with innovative reagents from an industry perspective.

After recently returning to academia by completing an MRes in Bioscience at Cardiff University. I’m now fascinated by how the dynamic and plastic nature of the immune system allows it to efficiently safeguard the body from infections, but failure to precisely regulate this complex system can result in autoimmune disease. In the laboratory I’m specifically interested in using multi-omic and high-throughput methods to further understand the complex genomics of autoimmune conditions.