Mrs Kyriaki Dede
Team Lead - Human Genetics Project and Research Management
I joined the Sanger Institute as the Malaria Programme Administrator in July 2014. In January 2016 I moved to the Human Genetics Programme as a Research Administrator (post now called Research Manager), providing high-level administrative and organisational support to the Human Genetics Programme and its Faculty, driving forward the aims and objectives of the Programme.
I graduated from the University of Patras (Greece) with a B.Sc. in Biology in 2007. In 2008 I received the Leventis Foundation Distinguished Scholar Award and joined Prof. Fraguedakis-Tsolis and Prof. Chondropoulos laboratory to pursue an M.Sc. in Ecology, Management and Conservation of Natural Environment. During my M.Sc. I studied the micromammals of the genus Mus in two different habitats in Cyprus, using mtDNA and geometric morphometric analyses.