This person is a member of Sanger Institute Alumni.
I am passionate about coding, especially in the area of distributed systems and large scale applications. I have a strong interest in designing software to solve the real-world problems as the ones we face in the context of scientific research and I enjoy the challenges of big data. My work at Sanger involves:
- designing, implementing and maintaining the Human Genetics archive (Serapis) used for storing large data sets together with metadata on long term
- writing tools for data testing/processing – such as metadata check – a tool that runs metadata sanity checks on the sequencing data in iRODS before it is imported for processing by my team
- writing a tool for testing that a tar up operation was succesfully performed (tarchecksum)
- writing a tool for checking that the conversion between BAM and CRAM format has been successful (bam2cram-check)
In addition to this I am also running the data processing pipelines on sequencing data and occasionally I help with sysadmin-related tasks, such as managing the humgen storage and user/farm groups.
My timeline
M.Sc. Bioinformatics at Upper Austria University of Applied Sciences, Hagenberg, Austria
Senior Software Engineer at Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute In Human Genetics Informatics team
Internship and Master Thesis at European Bioinformatics Institute, Hinxton, UK
Software Engineer at Blue Phoenix Solutions,Bucharest, Romania
MSc. Computer Science at University “Politehnica” of Bucharest, Romania
Internship and diploma thesis at Fraunhofer Fokus Institute, Berlin, Germany
Internship at Oracle Corp., Service Engineering Department, Bucharest, Romania