Emmanuelle joined the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute in January 2012 as Business Development Manager working in the recently established Translation Office, aiming to derive the maximum health benefit from the Insitute’s research output. Previously, Emmanuelle was a Business Analyst in the technology transfer team of the Wellcome Trust where her role was to identify early-stage funding opportunities and oversee a portfolio of large healthcare R&D projects, with a penchant for global health. Her responsibility included due diligence, contract negotiation and designing translation strategy leading to commercial exit or not-for profit partnership. Before joining the Wellcome Trust Emmanuelle had been Knowledge Transfer Manager for Babraham Bioscience Technologies Ltd, in a role encompassing IP management and the support of early stage innovation from academia as well as from life science SMEs. One of the initiatives she developed at Babraham was a technology development laboratory as a shared resource to entrepreneurs providing equipped lab space and research services, with particular emphasis on biologics. Emmanuelle obtained her PhD in Immunology at the Pasteur Institute in Paris.